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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/03/07

11:00AM Town Office Meeting Room
Friday, March 7, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Absent: Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman and Suzanne Gottling
Also Present: Mark Koprowski, USDA Rural Development

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 11:14am

Items to be signed:
•Motion to approve to sign the General Obligation Bond by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
•Motion to approve the Signature and No Litigation Certificate with Receipt by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous
•Motion to approve the Resolution of Governing Board by Selectman Trow, Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
•Motion to approve No Arbitrage and Tax Certificate by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous
•Motion to authorize Chairman Gallup to sign the Loan Resolution by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous
• Motion to authorize Chairman Gallup to sign Water and Waste System Grant Agreement by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. Unanimous

Mark Koprowski went over the following requirements;
        •Copy of the financials, and proof of insurance coverage need to be sent to     USDA every year.
        •Single Line Audit needs to be done when you receive more than $500,000 in      federal funds.
        •An audit every year until the loan amount drops below $1,000,000
        •As part of the grant agreement, every six (6) years the race and ethically     of the  participants would have to be determined.
        •every three (3) years you need to sign a form stating that you updated your    emergency response plan.  

Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that they would be needed at the polls on Tuesday night.

Chairman Gallup wanted to address an issue and make a very stern clarification regarding the ad in the Kearsarge Shopper. Chairman Gallup read the ad that was submitted by Sunapee Tax Watch, John Augustine, Fiscal Agent requesting proposal for the future use of Sunapee’s old library building. Chairman Gallup stated that contrary to what the ad states the Sunapee Board of Selectmen;
  • Have not made a decision to solicit public proposals for a future use of the current Abbott Library Building.
  • The Board has not made a decision to sell or lease the library building.  
  • The Sunapee Tax Watch, as well as John Augustine has absolutely no authority to make the statements that have been made in this ad.
Chairman Gallup asked Donna Nashawaty if the Town had received any proposals. Donna Nashawaty replied that the Town received two (2) proposals, one which was anonymous and another from a private school who would like to discuss the possibly of renting the building. Chairman Gallup asked Donna Nashawaty if she would respond to them stating they were misled by this ad and that the Board has not made any decisions. Chairman Gallup went on to say, that he was distressed, and that Sunapee Tax Watch, as well as John Augustine feels it’s their responsibility to make these statements and requests. Chairman Gallup asked Donna Nashawaty to draft a press release for the local newspaper and Kearsarge Shopper, as well as an email to the Abbott Library Trustees stating the Board has not made any decisions regarding the future use of Abbott Library building. Chairman Gallup asked if the rest of the Board had any comments. Selectman Trow had not seen the ad and Selectman Hastings stated that he was going to speak to the Board at the Monday, March 10th meeting. Selectman Hastings went on to say that when he read the ad he did not remember agreeing to any of the statements in the ad.         
Motion to authorize the Town Manager to draft a press release in the local papers and notify the affected parties of the Board’s corrective action by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 11:46
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow